
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide (for him!)


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If you’re anything like me (or any woman ever), you probably struggle with what to get your man for Valentine’s Day (or if to get him anything at all). As someone who thinks Valentine’s Day is an odd holiday, and that you should buy flowers for someone at random because you want to and not just because some corporate holiday told you to, I like giving gifts. And yes, getting….

Lucky for you, I did all the research so you didn’t have to, and compiled the greatest gift options I’ve used in the past that Gregg has loved. The first three items are a little more expensive, and the rest are more affordable (but trust me, they are all great options). Click on any item to shop, or the photo at the end of the page to view all options!

This watch served as a Valentine’s gift the year we got married (2017) and it STILL works and is in great condition! Being that Gregg is a Woodworker, I fell in love with the fun spin on a classic gift that never fails. While he’s working, he doesn’t always have his phone on him so the watch works perfect for knowing the time, as well as having that connection to the craft he loves so much!

02/08/21 Price: $95.00 on Amazon

Gregg has approximately 6 of these jackets now (and counting). Not because they don’t last, but because they come in different colors. He also has a Carhartt shopping problem. You can get this at a Carhartt store, or on Amazon to get it in time for Valentine’s Day.

02/08/21 Price: $139.00 on Amazon

This was used as a Christmas gift from “Santa” to Gregg and I this past holiday season and we have used it JUST about every day. While nothing beats taking the time to foam roll your muscles before a workout, it’s nice to be able to use this while watching TV or walking around the house. I recently developed sciatica and this massage gun has been wonderful to use right away in the morning when the pain is worse.

02/08/21 Price: $129.00 on Amazon

We have definitely had hours-long car rides where one of us is driving and one of us is staring at their phone in complete and utter disdain for the miles and miles of trees passing by. Enter: Our Moments. Originally it started as a joke to see what answers we could come up with but eventually it led to us passing time and getting to know things about each other we never knew in our 9+ years together – this also comes in a version for families, kids and grandparents!

02/08/21 Price: $18.95 on Amazon

As someone who never understood why you could not just use ice in whiskey, this gift was a new find after I told my friend I wish I could make ice cubes out of coffee so my cold brew didn’t get watered down. She ever so lovingly compared it to whiskey stones and VIOLA: a fun and simple gift idea. Additionally, the bullet idea adds a fun twist to what would otherwise probably just come in a simple cube (note to self: find Baby Yoda shaped ones next).

02/08/21 Price: $27.99 on Amazon

I’ve been testing these wireless earbuds out to compare them to the ever-expensive air pods and let me tell you, I would much rather spend $30 on these and the rest of my money on coffee that $200 on air pods. I have not actually given these to Gregg as a gift however, I anticipate his will die and he will come looking for a pair of mine to steal soon enough. Another pro for purchasing these instead of air pods – MUCH more affordable to replace when your spouse confiscates them.

02/08/21 Price: $29.99 on Amazon

Anyone else’s husband lose their phone and/or car keys all the time? No? Just me? Cool. This has been probably the most useful $24.99 I have ever spent. You connect one to your key ring and download the app on your phone and BAM – if you lose one, you can find it with the other. A pro tip: try not to lose both. Although if you do, you can purchase more tiles and just put them all around your house like Kleenex or half-drank cups of water. (No? Still just me? Cool).

02/08/21 Price: $24.99 at Target

We have these water bottles all over our house, and I try to get them for every single human I know that requires a gift. It makes it so easy to drink water throughout the day holding 40 ounces of water and with a handle. Even better: if you drop the water bottle and the handle breaks, Amazon sells replacement handles!

02/08/21 Price: $22.99 at Target

My husband hates Crocs, but I think it’s weird for men to wear tennis shoes to the beach (I mean it’s impractical, but, do whatever your heart desires). I can’t remember where he heard about Hey Dude shoes but I remember running to the store to get a pair…and then having to go back and get additional pairs. I personally love their fur-lined women’s shoes in the winter as well (and Gregg LOVES when we match =))

02/08/21 Price: $59.99 on Amazon

Nothing to say except that I friggen love these.

02/08/21 Price: $5.99 at Target