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I have no idea how to begin this post because, in all honesty, I just want someone to invite me over to their house to redecorate and organize every single space for them (with their debit card, of course).

Over the past couple of weeks I have found that, even though I’m not pregnant, I have still adapted some sort of nesting mode; could just be an extension of 2020 though.

The problem is that I redecorate so much that I can’t justify spending oodles and oodles of money on décor when I know I’m just going to donate and replace it all in a few months (yes, my husband does think it’s a great quality, thank you for asking).

But this time is different – I want to BREAK the mold of redecorating every 26 seconds and finally settle into a space that can grow with us and give off a content and comfortable vibe no matter what time of year

Except during Christmas; all decorating pacts are off during Christmas.
To start small and ease my husband into this massive project I have decided to assign myself, I chose two of the simplest areas to convert into this new era of Jamie; one area so trifling, I still am not sure he has even noticed the change….

While I like to get most of our décor from shops like Hobby Lobby, At Home, Home Goods and Target (duh), I have added a lin to each item or a similar item to help you create your own version of the projects below.

Yes, we jumped on the Keurig bandwagon. But then, we hopped off and got ourselves a regular old coffee maker…with a Keurig attached =). So now, instead of nice little K-cups all lined up in a row, we had a coffee ground tornado that went through our kitchen (just the one counter) every morning. After what felt like years (actual calculation: 2 weeks), I grabbed a tray and a holder for my tea bags and set everything on it…BAM – adulthood.

It’s honestly incredibly how much nicer everything looked the second I set each item closer to each other and poured our two most-used brands of coffee into glass containers with fun labels (yes, I got a Cricut; yes, I might love it more than I love myself). I added the cute little sign I picked up during a trip to Hobby Lobby and my husband added the spoon, which he picked up during a trip to our silverware drawer #winning.

Seriously, try this and tell me you don’t feel like you have your life significantly more put together when your morning beverage items are all laid out on a tray together like a little family packing you full of caffeine and sending you on your way.

The almighty coffee table; one who’s purpose of holding beverages has become obsolete ever since couch…builders (?) started adding in center consoles WITH CUP HOLDERS to their creations. Ours has pretty much rendered itself useless after my husband built a TV tray on wheels to move about freely while drinking our morning infusions from the previously mentioned “beverage spot’.

Well, not completely useless. As you can see above, it does an excellent job of holding our Hypervolt in its case AND the box it came in (which we obviously need to keep). In any case, it was time for a refresh.

I found myself another handy dandy tray (I swear, I must have looked like an employee putting trays AWAY at Hobby Lobby that day) and once again, started filling it up with stuff. In this instance, I added my faaaaavorite candle (placed in a beige container from At Home so it would match the aesthetic; yes, I feel very adult typing that), a photo of our dog (as if we can’t catch the live version sitting next to us on the couch) and some fun coasters that, I can promise you, have never and will never be used.

BUT the space looks much cleaner and one day, I may even light the candle.